Nokia 9290
:- Nokia. mod: 9290. Nokia Series = 80. Nokia Edition (Developer Platform) = 1. OS: Symbian OS. nav: Nokia. Release date = 2001 Junio.Display Nokia 9290 specs
Screen width = 640 px. Screen height = 200 px. Number of columns = 27. Number of lines = 8. Max image width (viewable) = 470 px. Max image height (viewable) = 180 px. physical screen width = 108 mm. physical screen height = 36 mm.IMG Nokia 9290 specs
Images : WBMP, BMP, EPOC Bitmap (Symbian) or MBM, GIF, Animated GIF (gif89a), JPG, PNG, TIF. Number of colors = 4096.Audio Video playback Nokia 9290 specs
RealMedia format; Version = 8. Videos : 3GPP (including H.263), MP4. AMR; Version = nb.Audio Video Streaming Nokia 9290 specs
Video streaming. Streaming in RealMedia; Version = 8. Streaming : 3GPP. AMR; Codec Version = nb. Streaming preferred protocol = rtsp.Sound Nokia 9290 specs
Sound : WAV, MIDI monophonic, MIDI polyphonic, SP MIDI, RMF, NOKIA ringtone, AUJ2ME Java Micro Edition Nokia 9290 specs
Compliant to : MIDP 1.0, CLDC 1.0, CLDC 2.0. J2ME : MMAPI 1.0, WMAPI 1.0, Nokia UI. Heap size, runtime memory = 204800 bytes. Max JAR size = 65536 bytes. Screen width = 128 px. Screen height = 128 px. J2ME : MIDI, AMR, 3GPP. Left Softkey Code = -6. Right softkey code = -7. Middle Softkey Code = -5. Clear key code = -8. Datefield do not accepts null date.Markup language Nokia 9290 specs
Excellent CSS. Preferred markup = html wi oma xhtmlmp 1 0. Markup : WML 1.1, WML 1.2, WML 1.3, XHTML basic (XHTML reduced to a minimal set of tags), XHTML MP (XHTML with a minimal set of tags with the addition of a few extra tags to allow for the application of WCSS), HTML version 3.2, HTML version 4. multipart/mixed content to package full pages (HTML, CSS and pictures) into one single object..HTML Nokia 9290 specs
HTML Preferred DTD to use = xhtml mp1.HTML Extras Nokia 9290 specs
HTTP POST method. Basic Authentication (login and password). Accepts an empty < OPTION > value from a < SELECT >.Securit Nokia 9290 specs
HTTPS protocol (SSL connections).Storage Nokia 9290 specs
Max size for the mark-up in a page (XHTML, WML browsers) = 30000 chars. Max url length in requests = 1022 chars. Max URL length for the browser's homepage = 255 chars. Max URL length for a bookmark = 255 chars. Max URL length for a cached page = 255 chars. Max number of connection settings = 20. Max number of bookmarks = 50. Max length of username = 50 chars. Max length of password = 20 chars.Bearer Nokia 9290 specs
Maximum bandwidth reachable by the device. = 29 kilobits (1 kilobit = 1000 bits).XHTML Nokia 9290 specs
Browser bring you to a separate data entry control". Tables to define layout. CSS property to define the format of an input field.. Can define the document title with the title tag.. Preferred charset = utf8. Preferred mime type = application/xhtml+xml. File upload. Cookies.WTA Nokia 9290 specs
Nokia 'make call' function. WML call function. Access to the device's phonebook.CHTML Nokia 9290 specs
Prefix to initiate a voice call = tel:.SMS - SCKL Nokia 9290 specs
SMS enabled. SMS SCKL : NokiaRings, Nokia picture messages, Nokia operator logo's (72x14 pixel).WML Nokia 9290 specs
Proportional font. Built in back button support. Card title support. Softkey support. Table support. A list of links is the most usable menu format. Links may be associated with icons. wrap/nowrap. input and select elements can/should be placed in a single card rather than on discrete cards. You may use images to present a link. Cannot display images and text on same line. Make phone call string = wtai://wp/mc;. Can skip aligned link row with just one click down.Object download specs Nokia 9290
Downloading in an anchor (direct download). Save an image or object shown in a page (inline support). OMA specifications for object downloading. Download of ringtones. Ringtones : monophonic (type 0) midi, polyphonic midi, RMF files (Beatnik), XMF files (Beatink - midi approved), AMR files, WAV, SPmidi. Max ringtone voices = 24. Ringtone direct download size limit = 61440 bytes. Download of wallpapers. Wallpapers : WBMP, BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG. Displayable colors for a wallpaper = 16 bits/pixel. Wallpaper max width = 174 pixels. Wallpaper max height = 143 pixels. Wallpaper preferred width = 640 pixels. Wallpaper preferred height = 200 px. Supports the download of screensavers. Screesavers : WBMP, BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG. Screensaver displayable colors = 16 bits/pixel. Screensaver max width = 176 px. Screensaver max height = 208 px. Screensaver preferred width = 640 px. Screensaver preferred height = 200 px. Download of picture files. Images : WBMP, BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG. Displayable colors in pictures = 12 bits/pixel. Picture max width = 176 px. Picture max height = 144 px. Picture preferred width = 640 px. Picture preferred height = 200 px. Supports download of video clips.Nokia 9290 2001 Junio Nokia. 9290. Nokia Series = 80. Nokia Edition (Developer Platform) = 1. Symbian OS. Nokia. 2001 Junio.
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Nokia 9290 :- Nokia. mod: 9290. Nokia Series = 80. Nokia Edition (Developer Platform) = 1. OS: Symbian OS. nav: Nokia. Release dat... |
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